Education may be considered as key to a successful future and national development. However, a significant amount of young people in Malawi, both girls and boys, drop out of school as a result of lack of school fees. As such, they resort to engaging in other bad activities such as smoking marijuana, abusing drugs and other substances, and involvement in criminal activities. According to the Malawi News newspaper, Psychiatrists at Malawi’s Zomba Mental Hospital have admitted that most of their patients are the youth within the age range of 15 to 40, but sadly the problem is largely being ignored. They stress that if not attended to, Malawi is sitting on a time bomb.

Through personal resources and initiatives, the founder of the foundation, Willy Phiri, has been sponsoring the education of a good number of boys and girls in Karonga district by paying for their school fees and providing them with different school materials. He has also donated sports equipment to various schools in the Wovwe area (in karonga), including Chihepusha, Zyeba, Wovwe and Ulaha Primary Schools. The foundation shall adopt a similar model that shall see more schools receiving support, and also vulnerable young people being supported in their educational needs.
